
S EO History, Pre vs Post Purchase Marketing and Facebook News Subscriptions

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Nick Cotton Sep 4, 2020
Fifteen Years Is a Long Time in SEO
By Will Critchlow from MOZ
  • “I can’t lay claim to being one of the first generation of SEO experts, but having been building websites since around 1996 and having seen the growth of Google from the beginning, I feel like maybe I’m second generation, and maybe I have some interesting stories to share with those who are newer to the game.”
  • “I gave a presentation at SearchLove London in 2014 where I talked about the unbelievable growth and scale of mobile and about how late we were to realizing quite how seriously Google was taking this.”
  • “Most things have been moving more real-time ever since, but recent ‘Core Updates’ appear to have brought back this kind of dynamic where changes happen on Google’s schedule rather than based on the timelines of website changes. I’ve speculated that this is because “core updates” are really Google retraining a massive deep learning model that is very customized to the shape of the web at the time.”
Why marketers should break SEO strategies into pre- and post-purchase
By Leslie Ramey from Search Engine Land
  • “‘…how can we then take information that we’ve acquired and then apply it to our strategies from an SEO strategy standpoint as well as from a marketing standpoint?’ said Leslie Ramey, SEO Solutions Consultant at Botify. One approach she advocates for is breaking the approaches down into one bucket for pre-purchase tactics and another for post-purchase.”
  • “‘Here it’s really about internal link recommendations and formatting,’ she said. While one department may have decided to put certain links on a landing page, the SEO team will have a better idea which links could actually hurt search performed and no index those. ‘Just having those constant communications can go a long way and making sure you’re moving in the right direction.’”
  • “Here’s perhaps a no-brainer that bears repeating: The sale doesn’t mark the end of a relationship, but rather the beginning.”
  • “Overall, with post-purchase strategy ‘we’re talking about improving your future campaign performance,’ said Ramey.”
Facebook tests linking your FB account to your news subscriptions
By Anthony Ha from TechCrunch
  • “The idea is that when Facebook identifies a subscriber from one of its publisher partners, that subscriber will be invited to link their news account to their Facebook account. Once they’re linked, if they encounter a paywalled article on Facebook, they’ll be able to read it without hitting the paywall or having to log in again.”
  • “The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Athletic and the Winnipeg Free Press have already been testing the feature. Facebook says subscribers who linked their accounts made an average of 111% more article clicks compared to those who weren’t part of the test group, and that those subscribers increased their rate of following a publisher from 34% to 97%.”
  • “When news organizations rely on outside platforms for distribution, one of the big issues is who owns the subscriber. So Facebook’s approach here may be more acceptable to publishers, as it still requires readers to subscribe to a given publication (rather than subscribing through Facebook itself).”

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