
W omen’s Voices, Better Conversions and Fake Reviews

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Nick Cotton Apr 25, 2020
Women of Martech organization aims to lift the voices of women in our community
By Amy Gesenhues from Marketing Land
  • “Right now, the organization is focused on finding members for the steering and activation committees, along with general membership recruitment.”
  • “Women of Martech has already connected with other similar organizations, including the Ladies of LeadsCon and Women in Email, to discuss potential collaborations.”
  • “Women who want to join the organization can complete the “WOM Membership Application Form” on the organization’s website.”
  • “There is also an application page for anyone interested in joining one of the three Women of Martech committees: Steering, Activation and Recruitment.”
9 Ways to Make Your Sales Funnel Convert Better
By Erika Varagouli from SEMRush
  • “The more you know about your prospects, the better you can market to them and convert them into paying customers. If you are targeting the wrong customer, or have your sales funnel set up to target the wrong personas, you are wasting time and money. It pays to get this right.”
  • “A great way to identify opportunities to create content that targets the awareness stage of your sales funnel is by finding the keywords and questions which your target personas are searching for. “
  • “if you have managed to take a prospect right through to the last stage of the funnel, you don’t want to make the mistake of not clearly showing them what they need to do next. You need to use a clear and straight to the point CTA (call to action), which motivates a prospect to take the action you want them to take.”
Fake reviews problem is much worse than people know
By Greg Sterling  from Search Engine Land
  • “Objection.co uses a range of AI and machine-learning techniques to identify fake reviews, including looking at the geographic location of reviewers, review patterns and time frames, relationships between review profiles, review syntax, character count and lexical diversity among other methods.”
  • “Boyd has been able to buy 280,000 fraudulent profiles and millions of fake reviews and compared them with real profiles and reviews, to train his systems on patterns and data relationships.”
  • “Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the fake reviews problem, though they don’t understand its full extent. They’re unhappy about potentially being deceived and are looking to publishers to institute tougher standards and penalties against review fraud.”

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