
F irefox Trouble, Facebook Slogans and Why It’s Good To Forget

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Nick Cotton Feb 25, 2022
Is Firefox OK?
By Matt Burgess from Wired
  • “AT THE END of 2008, Firefox was flying high. Twenty percent of the 1.5 billion people online were using Mozilla’s browser to navigate the web.”
  • “But its market share decline was accompanied by two rounds of layoffs at Mozilla during 2020. Next year, its lucrative search deal with Google—responsible for the vast majority of its revenue—is set to expire.”
  • “Each year Google pays Mozilla hundreds of millions of dollars in royalties—reports say that figure is currently in the range of $400 million per year—for its search engine to be set as the default in Firefox. In its 2020 financial results, the most recent available, Mozilla listed its total revenue as $496 million, with royalties from search deals equaling $441 million.”
Move fast, rename things: Facebook tries to boost morale with new slogans
By Elizabeth Dwoskin at The Washington Post
  • “At a virtual all-hands meeting Tuesday, Facebook escalated its attempts to not only rebrand itself but also manage its demoralized and often adversarial workforce with a new set of corporate values derived from a naval slogan.”
  • “Years ago, the company’s slogan of ‘Move fast and break things’ was changed to just ‘Move fast.’ On Tuesday, the company announced it would now be ‘Move fast together.’”
  • “Facebook has long had a workplace culture that has prized openness, but as executives become more paranoid about leaks and reputational damage, that has changed, according to people familiar with the company’s practices who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal matters.”
Google And The Right To Be Forgotten
By Brock Cooper from Search Engine  Journal
  • “Several countries, including those in the European Union, back protections for “the right to be forgotten.” (RTBF)
  • It’s the ability for a person to request Google deindex pages that refer to their name or specific incidents related to them.”
  • “If you are in a country that allows RTBF, then a person can ask Google to remove certain pages for a specific search query, such as a name. This does not mean the pages won’t come up for other search queries.”
  • “Businesses that received negative reviews have also tried to get the URLs removed, but those are generally unsuccessful.”

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