
S pice up your RSS subscriptions… in a galaxy far, far away

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Kelly Erickson Apr 20, 2013


Still a little bummed that Google is nixing its RSS reader? Sure, at first it was pretty shocking – after all, who doesn’t use Google Reader? Thankfully, there are plenty of alternatives to the expiring RSS feed, which will cease after July 1, 2013. But none as awesome as StarRSS – a reader that displays reader text just like the opening crawl of the Star Wars movie, blaring music and all!

Check out the video sample below:

In all seriousness, we recommend checking out Feedly – importing any Google Reader subscriptions is incredibly easy. And it’s pretty popular – after the Google Reader announcement, Feedly gained over three million users.

Wondering why anyone should use RSS feeds at all? Check back for some tips!

h/t Mashable

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