
T he new responsive web design standard

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Gary Smith Jun 17, 2013

ResponsiveDesign_6-14-13To say web design has changed over the years would be a sizable understatement. Remember the infamous Space Jam website? It hasn’t changed a wink since the mid ’90s, and stands as a monument to the evolution of web design standards to what it is today, which has now shifted to a very popular (and highly debated) responsive website design. With analysts predicting that mobile devices will become the primary method of accessing the internet next year, the old one-size-fits-all web design simply isn’t going to cut it anymore.

What is responsive web design?

Responsive web design means creating a website that changes fluidly to suit the device it’s accessed on. Rather than creating a separate version of the website for mobile with partitioned content, or forcing the user to squint or zoom, the layout adjusts to fit smaller screens while retaining the aesthetic of the full design. This means large graphical elements that appear side by side a computer browser may become stacked on a mobile phone, and when that phone is rotated and the screen responds, as do the site elements.

Want to see what the fuss is all about?

Check out the Zbra Studios website on your phone, or simply resize your computer browser – the site delivers an optimal experience regardless of device.

Don’t wait until next year when everyone is browsing the internet on mobile – contact Zbra Studios today and upgrade to a responsive website!

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